Who I am

Professional Ethos:

In both my personal and professional life I value honesty, contribution and integrity. When working  in teams or working in an industry, all these values are core in being successful and that is why I try to emulate them in my professional and personal life . With these values in hand, I try to conduct myself as professionally as possible, by being punctual, attentive and well dressed for any  situation. I apply myself to the best of my abilities in my educational studies, as learning new  information and practices well help me become a well rounded individual and help me stand out  from the rest of the crowd.

My professional aspiration is to be a team leader in the field of IT, where  being an understanding, passionate and well-organized individual will help benefit the business I am  employed for.


Personal Details:

Name:              Joel Kristian Boukogiannis.

Address:          21 Ronald Street, Shailer Park 4128. 
Mobile:             044-8926-198

Age:                  20 years

License:           Open license & Owns a car for transport

Certificates:    Completed RSA & RSG              



Primary and Secondary:    JOHN PAUL COLLEGE (Graduated) 2002 – 2011            

Further Education:              Certificate III, IV & Diploma in Media (MSIT) 2011-2013

Current Education:              Undergraduate in Business & IT at Griffith University


Currently working at:

Since February 2015-
I am currently working as IT assistance at the Queensland branch for flow tech air-conditioning. My job title is road, as are the skills I have learnt and applied so far in my time with Flowtech. From the simple tasks such as setting up fax machines, to reprogramming phones my job has given me a vast improvement in my problem solving and researching skills. 

Some tasks I have completed so far:
–Sourcing hardware.
- Setting up machines (computer,printers,faxes, tablets).
- Installing new hardware & software.
- Editing/Retouching current company website.
- Designing new layout for new company website.
- Email/Data migration.
- Phone and data line set ups.
- Mobile tracking application integration. 
- And solving a plethora of computer related problems.


Previous Employment:



Mitchell McPherson (Manager for Pizza Hut):                               0419 654 961  

Jordan Scullion-Gilpin (Manager for Pizza Hut):                            0481 118 446  

Beau Smit (Trainer for marinate section, Golden Cockerel):        0439 836 639


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